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Last night I stupidly watched the News before retiring for a very unpleasant night. It transpires that strange times and media bias are...

Repeat, repetition, repetitive

Repetition is a tricky one. If you do it too much you are repetitive but if you get it just right it makes your ideas clearer and more...

Semicolon or not to semicolon

Weekend post means that I can think a little harder rather than just randomly typing. Looking back I know that I was never taught how to...

Language Levels

Thought we could go back to the basics today. Too hot for my little brain to do anything else. Firstly, I would like to know why they...

Mr Bole on sugar

OK so if you are not part of NGS then the title may be slightly confusing but if I explain that Bole is hyper with or without sugar,...

Different Englishes!

Just opened a document about dialects and pronunciation in different areas of the UK but that is way too heavy a topic for a sunny...

What is the opposite of opposite?

Today I have been dipping into 'Words, Words, Words' by David Crystal. Looking at affixes, which can be divided into prefixes which fix...

Why rhyme?

I have a plan during lockdown to listen to all of my CDs from the past. Even if they are really bad I have to listen to them once and...

Lexical v semantic field

Well this is a tricky one for a Sunday and the answer is kind of, does it really matter? I have been pondering this for a long time as I...

Naming the men in Inspector Calls.

Now my thoughts fall on the men created by JB. Don't call him that in an essay though! I am only considering Mr B and Gerald, Eric I will...

Idiomatic Morning

Wow you can hear it straight from the horse's mouth. I got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning and it feels like it was a bunk...

What's in a name?

It's Wednesday and as a teacher I like to think of that as the middle of the week, so inevitably that is the day that I choose to clean,...

Acquiring birds.

I know the title seems weird and please if making comments remember your audience! So this morning I was wide awake at silly o'clock...

The humble list of 3

My thoughts today focus on the list of 3, the rule of 3 or even tripartite statements! Why do I find myself day in day out asking...

Why? Why read this blog?

I thought I should explain that this is really aimed at students or past students of NGS. This is obviously really important if you...

Covid 19 and Language Change

I am just interested in the language not the politics and certainly not the statistics. Have any new words been invented? At first I...

Loving the Language?

Lockdown, lockdown. lockdown. What a luscious list of 3. Now I am in the realms of alliteration. Help me! I have gone all emotive. 'Shut...

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Welcome to The Full Shoe

Live to Travel

Welcome to The Full Shoe originally Lois' Language Levels, a unique blog here for you to explore. I set up this blog during Covid in a way to support my students and share my passion for language. Now in 2024 I return to writing about my other passion of travel.

Dr B British Seaside_edited_edited_edited_edited_edited.jpg
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