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  • Writer's pictureDr B

Beyond Chicago

Possibly the first time that I have visited Evanston, Illinois and have not ventured into Chicago. To be honest I was on the way to the train station fully intending to go into the city to walk around the sights but then the heavens opened and I chickened out and only got the train as far as downtown Evanston. My feeling was that if I was going to be walking around in the rain then l'd prefer to be in easy reach of dry clothes in case I got chilly. You can take the girl out of Britain and all that.

Even without Chicago it was a great trip, quality time with friends, I don't want to say old friends but you know what I mean, visiting old haunts and exploring new areas. Icing on the cake was a road trip to Michigan and a few days relaxing, reading and kayaking.

Can't wait until my next visit, maybe I'll go into the city or possibly venture further afield.

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Aug 29

Found this ! Hooray! Loved reading it and wish I could have visited you on the Barmy Bank Holiday!


And was the city actually windy?????

Dr B
Dr B
Aug 21
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Of course

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