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  • Writer's pictureDr B

Idiomatic Morning

Wow you can hear it straight from the horse's mouth. I got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning and it feels like it was a bunk bed and I fell on the floor and cracked my head. Literally unfortunately not metaphorically, so cross your fingers and it will all get better soon. Least said soonest mended. This only happens once in a blue moon and I soon have a change of heart. It may mean giving everyone the cold shoulder for a while but I am definitely not going to be buttering anyone up, if you think that then you are barking up the wrong tree or in fact barking mad! I am not going to let the cat out of the bag but suffice to say and I am not pulling your leg, beware wolves in sheep's clothing and especially people who have fur coat and no knickers! I would like to say that I am worried sick and under the weather but to be honest I don't give a DD. Let's hope the younger readers are not literate in Cockney rhyming slang!! Nothing will change, no pigs will fly,

so I will just crack on. Thank you English language for being so idiomatic!

Have a nice day now!

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