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  • Writer's pictureDr B

Language Levels

Thought we could go back to the basics today. Too hot for my little brain to do anything else. Firstly, I would like to know why they changed their name from language frameworks. That was so much simpler, the connotation behind the word 'level' is numerical not linguistic. Ho hum, nothing I can do about it. Let's just use the terms language levels or language frameworks interchangeably.

Ok, so what are we really talking about? The answer is the ways in which we can analyse language, the different levels of analysis if you will. So there are 7: the magnificent 7, the 7 deadly sins or if you are more jolly and younger at heart, the 7 dwarves. Although not sure whether that is politically correct anymore? Lexis, semantics, phonology, graphology, pragmatics, grammar and discourse.

Just when you thought it was safe, lexis is grouped with semantics. That makes perfect sense though as all lexis has to have meaning but you could argue that the others create meaning as well so why are they not grouped with semantics or more appropriately with pragmatics, which is implied meaning as opposed to explicit. I have learnt that it is best just not to argue with some things, question but don't argue. Then discourse has swallowed a whole other potential level, syntax. How did that happen? Then of course there are all those differences between written and spoken language, even if you have an oppositional view or are more a line of continuum kind of person.

This is just too much for a Friday and I have to warn you that all of a sudden at A2 another level pops up! The much loved orthography, nothing to do with birds and everything to do with letter formation and spelling. Oh the joy!

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1 Comment

David Gatenby
David Gatenby
Jun 26, 2020

Orthography. That was always being mentioned when I did my Comparative Slavonic Philology course in final year. "Scribe's error," etc.

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