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Marchand Marchand

Eurostar did us proud. Hardly anyone in the check in queue and the train even left on time! A brilliant start to our Olympic adventure. Having been in Paris a month previously when it seemed to still be a building site, we had low expectations of the venues being ready but we were wrong. Even the public transport was well organised and when the app said walk 20 minutes we did it in 5. A pleasant surprise in rising temperatures. On the Sunday we explored some local parks in search of a big screen which we found along with a big band. We also stumbled across the Park of Nations which was hosting some of the Olympic houses, including 'I love Slovenia'. Early on Monday we headed over to Stade de France. A fantastic morning watching track heats, women's pole vault and men's discus. So nice to see flags being waved with pride and appreciation instead of as a sign of hatred! (Usually I would not make such a comment but events in England sadden me greatly). Sport really does bring out the best in most people and the atmosphere was electric. Well done Paris. I am already starting to plan for Los Angeles, although initially I thought this would be my final opportunity to see the Olympics live. Paris has ignited my passion for the games.

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Sounds fantastic.


Sounds like a really positive AND inspiring experience!

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