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  • Writer's pictureDr B

Mr Bole on sugar

OK so if you are not part of NGS then the title may be slightly confusing but if I explain that Bole is hyper with or without sugar, making the Duracell bunny seem calm and relaxed, hopefully you will have realised that I am talking about hyperbole.

So if I stick with the Bole analogy. He is the funniest person that I know with the worst jokes ever. He is definitely the best person to bump into if you are having a day of monumental failures. The worst day of your life, ever! Worst person to have around if you want to wallow in your own gloominess. Talks to anyone and everyone hundreds of times a day! Knows millions of peoples names. Is more caring than a care bear. Is a computer genius even if you don't think so when he is pointing out that all you needed to do was a restart! Runs around school at 100 miles per hour, at least! So lucky that his surname is the final phoneme in 'hyperbole' and let's face it if you imagine him full of sugar then there is your definition of the word. Could you exaggerate anymore? He is the epitome of extreme exaggeration, the opposite of understatement.

So now if I have caught your attention you will hopefully remember to add a little hyperbole, whether it be in your speech or writing. Think of Bole be more dramatic. Exaggerate the quality, the quantity, the difficulty, the beauty or anything really. Remember your audience though, never exaggerate in academic writing or research papers when facts are of the essence.

Believe me I have done this a thousand times and it works. One of my fav rhetorical devices!

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David Gatenby
David Gatenby
Jun 25, 2020

I've told you a thousand times: don't exaggerate.

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