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Sharks Without Borders

Having just returned from a Caribbean cruise I am relatively chilled. Well as chilled as a Duracell bunny ever gets! I obviously have lots of fabulous memories but the words of a fellow swimmer haunt me. Did she truly believe what she was saying or was she merely trying to fool herself into a false sense of security? Either way she gave me a seriously funny image in my head which is still making me lol days later. So the context. Preparing to snorkel in shallow water I hear the following: 'there are no sharks in the Caribbean sea they are only in the Atlantic'. Approximately 30 minutes earlier on the drive to the beach we had stopped to take photos of both aforementioned seas. I now have an image of a whole line of sharks on one side of an invisible line, shaking their heads as they realise they can swim no further! Please! The other question is why does she think that there wouldn't be sharks in the Caribbean. Is it too much of a holiday destination? Too many humans in the water? Too warm? I try to be kind and not laugh at others but sometimes it is really tricky.

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A point to ponder. Glad you survived. :)

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